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Arch Hellen Med, 42(2), March-April 2025, 271-273


Oral complications due to methotrexate use by an old woman

L.C. Bittencourt,1 V.M. dos Santos2
1Specialist in Hospital Dentistry, Brasília-DF
2Armed Forces Hospital and Catholic University of Brasília-DF, Brasília-DF, Brazil

Severe oral ulcerations may occur as an adverse effect caused by the use of methotrexate. The case of a patient is reported in whom the hypothesis of this complication was not raised before hospitalization which favored the diagnosis and control of the injuries in a short time. The patient was in irregular use of methotrexate and suffered concomitant traumatic facial injuries due to a recent accidental fall, contributing to the initial diagnostic challenges. Recurrent oral ulcerations had been present some months before and healed spontaneously, while admission lesions were also due to dental elements erosions damaging soft tissues. She underwent associated low-level laser and antimicrobial photodynamic therapies, which have been a cornerstone option to get analgesia, accelerated repair, and early oral feeding. As oral ulcers may occur during methotrexate utilization, more attention is needed to seek for specialized evaluation about the drug induced adverse effects and respective treatments.

Key words: Drug adverse effect, Low-level laser therapy, Methotrexate, Oral ulcer.

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