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Arch Hellen Med, 42(1), January-February 2025, 62-70 ORIGINAL PAPER Quality of life, the physical and mental health of Greek people during the economic crisis C. Prapas,1 V. Mavreas2 |
OBJECTIVE Investigation of the perceptions of adult people regarding the quality of life and their relationship with general physical and mental health, gender, age, and level of education during the period of the economic crisis.
METHOD The study involved 282 people from the greater Athens area, 140 (49.6%) men and 142 (50.6%) women with an age range of 18-64 years, with an average of 36.3 years and a standard deviation of 10.04 years. The concept of quality of life was assessed with the quality-of-life questionnaire, which estimates physical, psychological-emotional, interpersonal, and social well-being. The concept of general health was assessed with the SF-36 questionnaire, which includes the level of physical and mental health of a population.
RESULTS The results showed a moderate- to-satisfactory level of quality of life for the participants, despite the economic crisis. The concept of quality of life has a direct and important relationship with physical and mental health. The contribution of education level is of interest, as is the case for the multiple perceptions of quality of life-related to gender and age.
CONCLUSIONS General health predicts physical, interpersonal, and social well-being, while mental health is related to all dimensions of quality of life. The level of education differentiates perceptions of quality of life physically, interpersonally, and socially. The perceptions of men and women regarding the quality of life differ according to the age group in which they are classified (18-40 and 41-64 years).
Key words: Age, Education level, Gender, Quality of life.