John Meletis

Associate Editor
M. Samarkos

Section Editors
V. Alikari (Sparti), Renal Nursing
F. Anagnostopoulos (Athens), Health Psychiology
E. Angelopoulou (Athens), Neurology
M.K. Angelopoulou (Athens), Bone Marrow Transplantation
I. Asimakopoulos (Athens), Hematology
D. Bougas (Αthens), Urology
A. Chatzigeorgiadis (Drama), Surgery
G.L. Daikos (Αthens), Infections
M. Dalamaga (Athens), Clinical Biochemistry
S.P. Dourakis (Αthens), Hepatology
Ε. Fradelos (Larissa), Nursing
P. Galanis (Athens), Applied Medical Research
Ν. Harhalakis (Athens), Bone Marrow Transplantation
T. Kafkia (Thessaloniki), Quality of Life
V. Κapsimali (Αthens), Immunology
M. Karamanou (Athens), History of Medicine
Α. Katsarou-Katsari (Athens), Dermatology
C. Klonaris (Athens), Vascular Diseases
K. Konstantopoulos (Athens), Rare Diseases
Α. Kyriakidis (Amfissa), Surgery
C. Lemonidou (Athens), Nursing
C. Lionis (Heraclio), Primary Helth Care
G.A. Mathioudakis (Athens), Pneumonology
T. Μountokalakis (Αthens), Internal Medicine
S. Nanas (Αthens), Intensive Care
D.B. Panagiotakos (Athens), Biostatistics-Epidemiology
V. Papadakis (Αthens), Pediatrics
Α. Papavassiliou (Αthens), Μolecular Medicine
Ε. Papavassiliou (Αthens), Gastroenterology
S. Papageorgiou (Αthens), Neurology
E. Papakitsou (Athens), Orthopaedics, Bone Metabolism
A. Papazafiropoulou (Athens), Diabetes Mellitus
A. Patelarou (Heraklion), Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
Ε. Patsouris (Αthens), Pathology
Ε. Petridou (Αthens), Epidemiology
M. Polikandrioti (Athens), Nursing
Ε. Poulakou (Athens), History of Medicine
P. Prezerakos (Tripoli), Nursing Services Management
M. Samarkos (Athens), Infections
P. Sarafis (Cyprus), Nursing
M. Saridi (Korinthos), Health Promotion
P. Skapinakis (Ioannina), Psychiatry
Α. Soldatou (Athens), Pediatrics
K. Souliotis (Athens), Health Policy
N. Stavrakakis (Heraklion), History of Medicine
M. Tektonidou (Athens), Rheumatology
N. Tentolouris (Athens), Internal Medicine, Diabetes Mellitus
Ε. Τerpos (Αthens), Hematology
L. Thanos (Αthens), Computed Tomography
D. Tsekoura (Athens), Cardiology
M. Tsironi (Tripoli), Internal Medicine
F. Tzavella (Tripoli), Health Sociology
T.P. Vassilakopoulos (Athens), Lymphomas
S. Zyga (Tripoli), Quality of Life

T. Mountokalakis, J. Koliopoulos, H. Valassi-Adam, G. Rigatos, C. Soldatos, A.E. Germenis

Continuing Medical Education
M.K. Angelopoulou (Athens), Hematology
J.V. Asimacopoulos (Athens), Continuing Medical Education
K. Boulas (Drama), Surgery
P. Diamantopoulos (Αthens), Cases of Internal Medicine
N. Patelis (Athens), Vascular Surgery
M.-S. Pomoni-Gramenou (Athens), Medical Imaging
M. Samarkos (Athens), Cases of Internal Medicine
Α. Skarpas (Amfissa), Surgery
P. Tomos (Αthens), Thoracic Surgery
T.P. Vassilakopoulos (Athens), Hematology

M. Katsaouni, T. Bourtzi

Greek editing
M. Linardakis, K. Glykou

English editing
S. Nakou

Maintenance of E-pages
E. Vassilakou